Psaki Tests Positive for Covid-19 and Was Unable to Travel to Europe

We all know that White House secretary Jen Psaki is a really great liar. Last year, reporters grilled the demo-rat about Biden’s wrong moves in handling the Afghanistan crisis

She did everything to cover for Biden’s incompetence during the Afghanistan crisis. Psaki lied through her teeth to get away with everything…

Psaki Pressed on Whether US Finances Putin’s War

During the first weeks of March, reporters asked Psaki if the Biden administration’s refusal to ban Russian oil imports is helping to fund Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine.

In response, Psaki stressed that the administration wants to divest, which could take time. She said, “There’s a policy process that is undergone for any decision made. Sometimes those move rapidly, and often there is a range of factors that are discussed as those decisions are made.”

Then, reporters pressed Psaki further on personal sanctions targeting Russian leadership. The demo-rat said the administration wants each sanction to directly hurt Putin’s pocketbook.

Psaki made it look like the administration was trying to punish Russia. She said, “We want him [Putin] to feel the squeeze. We want the people around him to feel the squeeze. Making them a priority and a focus of our individual sanctions is something the president has been focused on.”

Unfortunately, there’s a chance that Psaki wasn’t telling the truth there. We all know that she’s a really great liar and our patriots won’t fall for her tricks again…

Psaki Tests Positive for Covid-19 AGAIN?

During the last week of March – before Psaki’s trip to Europe – it was reported that she tested positive for Covid-19 again. 

Psaki prepared a statement to tell everyone about her condition. She wrote, “Today, in preparation for travel to Europe, I took a PCR test this morning. That test came back positive, which means I will be adhering to CDC guidance and no longer be traveling on the President’s trip to Europe.”

Then she said that she was doing this to be transparent. Psaki added, “I had two socially-distanced meetings with the President yesterday, and the President is not considered a close contact as defined by CDC guidance. I am sharing the news of my positive test today out of an abundance of transparency.”

Psaki then made it clear that she needed to be isolated. She said, “Thanks to the vaccine, I have only experienced mild symptoms. In alignment with White House COVID-19 protocols, I will work from home and plan to return to work in person at the conclusion of a five-day isolation period and a negative test.”

Due to her illness, Psaki did not attend the press conference. A few days later, it was reported that the demo-rat was enjoying Netflix’s “Inventing Anna.” It makes sense that Psaki would watch a series about fraud and deceit since that seems to be what the dem’s playbook is all about.

Something’s up for sure about Psaki’s timely leave of absence. There’s a possibility that she’s only using Covid-19 as an excuse so she won’t have to go to Europe… and be pressed with difficult questions about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

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